1. "I kissed a girl" is not a very uplifting song, and someone is neglecting their duty to monitor the track songs, and
2. This alone-ness is saddening.
My busy schedule has left me somewhat socially crippled as I try to catch a few quiet moments in my dorm room to do homework. Also, since I have apparently become a hermit, people haven't really invited me to things lately. I have become that one girl in the room who only comes out for meal times, and no one's quite sure what she looks like.
I decided that my hermit-ude ends today. Therefore I dragged my hall-mate to the "homecoming opening ceremonies" this morning at 11:00 A.M. which turned out to be pretty fun. especially since we sat with our ward, and let's be honest. I have the rockin'est ward at BYU.
Then I went to class (yada yada) and spent not one but TWO--count them TWO hours rehearsing my midterm with my Honors Civ. group. --------o.k. granted, it was kind of forced social interaction, but I think I still get points for the two hours thing.
My next dynamic move was to go to the BYU/SA office. this is right up my alley because I always loved student government, but alas, I never reached the level of awesomeness where one actually gets voted into office. Here, with the help of a gentleman who took me to ballroom dance on a roof (story to come), we pulled some strings and BAM I get to help with the homecoming dance. So not only do I get to serve, but I don't have to pay for a ticket. Sweet!
Lastly, I went straight from my last class to "light the Y"
Explanation: light the Y is a BYU tradition where students hike up to the giant Y on the mountain and screw in lightbulbs that light up the outline.
after sufficient huffing and puffing (death by switchbacks), guess what we (I say "we" because I went with a friend = social points.) found?!?!?!
have you guessed? well you're wrong. it was a tarantula!! And guess what I did?
(not the actual tarantula, for visual purposes only)
for those of you who guessed "eat it"- please seek professional counseling. no, I picked it up and held it! surprisingly it wasn't beyond a 6 on the scary-ness level. I'm not saying it will become a regular habit (heebie-jeebies) but I decided that -since tarantulas aren't poisonous- it would be my healthy dose of overcoming fear for the week. If you would like photographic evidence, I will put it up here was soon as I figure out how.
ok, figured it out.
ok, figured it out.
I then proceeded to light the Y and such, but now that you've heard the tarantula bit, everything else will seem really dull.
so the end.
except not really.
because the scariest element of today is that I can get a date into the dance for free too, and I have no one to ask. Help!!!!!!
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